Tuesday, January 1, 2019

The Last Morsels of Summer

 Our second annual Michel visit. We love all 14 of these faces!
 Oh how we love the Cardston Temple.
 Cuties at the river

 Jacob has been teaching Hazel chess. She learns quickly and then she forgets quickly.
 We go on many tea latte dates.
 Rabbits in the fridge.
Hazel is becoming a cloud expert.
 Nature journalling.

 Jacob worked hard to gather the walnuts from our yard. 

A surprise visit from my Jillian friend and her new adorable baby!
 These flowers dried and kept their color so nicely. I wish I knew what they were called.
This is my happy corner of personal space. 

 Hazel is drying the Lamb's Ear from the garden.

We watched the lunar eclipse and explained to Hazel- her eyes lit up as she thought of the eclipse she had read about in Heidi.

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