Tuesday, January 1, 2019

The Glory of Trees and Books

The Curve of Time by Blanchet

“When we first lived there, the big firs and balsams grew very close to the house. So close that they could lean across and whisper to each other at night. Sometimes they would keep you awake and you would forget and say sharply, ‘Hush, trees, go to sleep!’ At first there would be an astonished silence…then a rush of low laughter…and they would whisper louder than ever, until you had to put your head under the blankets.”
I love this passage and it fits our home perfectly as we have huge fir and balsams right outside our windows. The fall is especially magnificent here. With such a variety of trees and colors. 
I managed to get a first day of school picture with the girls but not the boys.

 The first day of school is probably my favorite time of the year. I  LOVE planning it and how excited the kids are for new books and supplies and plans. We are refreshed from the summer fun and ready to fall back into a family rhythm again. The approaching fall weather makes it all even more glorious.

When our windows are open the sound of the leaves in the breeze makes it 
sound like we are near the ocean. 

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