Sunday, October 14, 2012


On our way to Edmonton for Thanksgivs we stopped in a little town named Nanton. It's an antique wonderland, as you can see below. Jane collects skeleton keys so she found one here to add to her collection.
 We even found this figurine of Jon Heder...
 This antique store happened to be a candy store too. An amazing candy store. It has the greatest baking supplies section- every cookie cutter shape you ever wanted and gorgeous cupcake wrappers.
 This is Sholeh Zard. It's Persian rice pudding. It's saffron that gives it the yellow color. My mom and dad made it just right.

 Aunt Jenny did Jane and Scarlet's hair. She spent a long time doing it just right for the pictures. I forgot how much little girls love to doll up. It made me realize I should do that with them more- we usually just let their curlies go wild.
 When Jane's was done, she bounced all over the house, flittering and fluttering to the next mirror to admire herself ;)
 We named Ezra after the right guy. He looks just like his Baba.
 Baba is always working on something in the garage. I'm still a little confused about Tim never doing that. I just thought that's what dad's do. The kids were his handy dandy flashlight holders.
 Ezra melts us all.


Cammie said...

You have such a wonderful family!

Timothy said...

Sometimes I have to bite him too.