Monday, April 25, 2011

Spring School

It was hard to get a picture but meet our two new froggy friends, Poetry and Element.

 Jane is always finding dead creatures. I overheard them oooh-ing and ahhhh-ing over this birdy. They loved its "chubby cheekies". It got a fancy burial in our backyard, wrapped in a peacock patterned cloth with glitter, butterflies and flowers.

 This was a large project for an average afternoon. Between diapers, food and just our normal routine it took hours!! I was so happy when it was finished. Making sure the kids take part in things sure makes it go a lot slower but that's the point so we just go slow. We had a few pots tip over but there's nothing wrong with basil growing in every pot anyway. This plastic covering for the shelf totally works. Its toasty in there.

I painted a chalk strip on all the pots so we can get rid of the popsicle sticks and I think it looks fancy. Thanks to the BB for all the terra cotta pots.

1 comment:

Anonymous said... these. What all did you plant?