Thursday, May 16, 2024

Back to School 2024

Hazel's second harp exam.

Jacob is doing a bike mechanics apprenticeship with Mel Card. He is really enjoying the experience.

Cooking class!
Ezra's favorite breakfast to make for us.

Hazel dyed fabric with flowers then used it to make a book.

Farsi with Grammy! 

Late night visit with our pals the Haitsma's. This was right before they left on their worldschooling trip.

Love finding Hazel's little arrangements.

Making soap together.

Hazel's poem.

We made Golden Milk mixes for gifts.
Halloween art class.

Found these perfect vans for Hazel at Value Village :)
Dates with Mom at the Jasmine Room.

Hazel made homemade dog treats!
 We're so proud of our homegrown pumpkins!

Ezra's annual pumpkin pie!

Jacob's stocks class with Grammy.

Our prayer roll for the missionaries.

Hazel did a fashion class for her special study.

Zinni's birthday. We made her a Golden Milk mix and got her a cutesy mug to go with it.


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